Karen L. Hassenplug, Pharm.D.; Jill S. Burkiewicz, Pharm.D., BCPS; Terri L. Jackson, Ph.D., B.S.Pharm.; Laura R. Peppers, Pharm.D., BCPS Identifying baseline ...
Spinal cord compression (SCC) occurs in 5% to 30% of the oncology population and affects patient function, comfort, and general quality of life. Patients with lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate ...
Few studies have described how patients receiving chemotherapy experience taste/smell changes (TSCs). Food and meal situations have important meaning beyond nutrition, so these common symptoms may ...
Breast imaging has made huge advances in the last decade, and along with newer techniques to diagnose primary breast cancer, many novel methods are being used and look promising in detecting ...
Optimal therapy for PID must take into consideration the severity of disease, the polymicrobial etiology of disease, the availability and costs of the antimicrobials, and their ease of administration.
The table is limited by our hospital pharmacy's formulary; however, our purpose was to update the current literature. The table is intended for use as a guide when medications labeled for ...