Una misión del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) se reunió con las autoridades peruanas y otros interlocutores entre el 11 y el 26 de marzo para analizar la evolución reciente de la economía y las p ...
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission met with the Peruvian authorities and other counterparts during March 11 – March 26 to discuss recent economic developments and policy priorities. This ...
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation with Liechtenstein on March 21, 2025.
By accepting the Article VIII obligations, Liechtenstein signals to the international community that it will continue to pursue economic policies that contribute to a multilateral payments system free ...
Une mission du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) s’est rendue au Sénégal afin d’examiner les conclusions du rapport d’audit de la Cour des comptes, confirmant des déclarations erronées significative ...
Belgium’s total factor productivity (TFP) growth slowdown since the late 1990s has been worse than peers’ despite significant spending on innovation. This is largely explained by subdued business ...
Public investment in Belgium has been low historically. Against severe budgetary constraints and fiscal consolidation requirements, public investment should however be preserved or, ideally, increased ...
Educational outcomes in Belgium are comparable to peers but achieved at a higher cost. The public wage bill for education is higher than in peers, reflecting smaller student-to-teacher ratios and less ...
Against a backdrop of constrained fiscal space, Belgium faces considerable investment needs. Improving infrastructure governance processes can enhance investment efficiency, achieving more “bang” for ...
As part of the International Monetary Fund’s efforts to help its 191 member countries create more conducive macroeconomic and financial conditions for strong and durable economic growth driven by ...
Combining overhauls in areas including business and external regulation, governance, and human development can boost output levels by 3 percent over four years.
Keep Going for a Full Recovery, Op-ed by IMF’s Peter Breuer and Martha Tesfaye Woldemichael, Originally published on The Morning, The Daily Mirror, and Ceylon Today ...