By thinking of the flow of anger, you can unpack its key dimensions: its path and intensity. Is the stream pointed ...
As DOGE taps into sensitive federal agency data repositories, many people fear what could happen to the data. One little-discussed but hugely consequential possibility: fueling Elon Musk’s xAI company ...
Reports of TB date back to the time of Hippocrates, but the Kansas outbreak shows that the ancient disease is very much a ...
Ambuj Tewari receives funding from NSF and NIH. The microplastics project is funded by the “Meet the Moment” initiative of ...
Nonprofits are taking steps to build trust. For example, Muslim American charities were among the first to embrace Charity ...
Entre os grandes nomes que estão investindo muito dinheiro para prolongar suas vidas estão o fundador da Amazon, Jeff Bezos, ...
País possui aproximadamente 10% das reservas globais desses recursos, incluindo a maior reserva mundial de nióbio, a segunda ...
Bacia Amazônica, que abriga a maior diversidade de peixes de água doce do mundo, está ameaçada por eventos extremos que podem ...
Pengunjung biasa kesulitan mendapatkan tempat parkir dengan tarif sesuai standar tapi juga mendorong terbentuknya ...
Historian Christa Kuljian and paleoanthropologist Dipuo Kgotleng talk to The Conversation Weekly podcast about the ...
Un décret a fixé en 2019 des objectifs de réduction et une obligation de déclaration des consommations énergétiques au ...
La investigación en este ámbito a menudo ha explorado cómo se relacionan conflicto y creatividad en los equipos. Algunos ...