The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) campaign aimed at preventing or combatting stress in the workplace has welcomed a new partner ahead of stress awareness month in April. Healthy Working Wales ...
A London property developer has been fined £63,000 plus costs after Britain’s workplace regulator found multiple failures at ...
A company and its operations manager have both been fined after a man fell to his death through a roof at its site in Dudley.
Pearson Hydraulics Ltd of Electric Avenue, Witham St Hughes, Lincoln pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2 (1) of the Health ...
Britain’s workplace regulator is reminding manufacturing firms of their asbestos duties. As we approach Global Asbestos Awareness Week (April 1 – 7), the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is reminding ...
CCTV has captured the moment a welder was crushed while working at a shipyard in Sunderland. David Vinsome sustained multiple rib fractures as well as internal injuries, including an abdominal wall ...
An indoor skiing company in Tamworth has been fined £100,000 following the death of a schoolboy. Twelve-year-old Louis Watkiss had been at a tobogganing birthday party at the Snowdome in Tamworth on ...
An East Yorkshire company has been fined more than half a million pounds after an employee’s lower arm was severed when it became entangled in a conveyor. Bartosz Gaj, a blender operative, had been ...
A renovation company in South Wales has been sentenced after defying enforcement notices from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Inspectors say Greenlife Property Developments Ltd failed to heed ...