Melancholia is a movie that may resonate with you in a way few other movies can, because it's structured to perfectly capture ...
Cinema is Dead. Long Live Post-Cinema. Two key things occur in the opening minutes of Jurassic World Dominion: A T-Rex interrupts a drive-in movie as melting celluloid... In this episode of the Film ...
This is a live list where I rank anime. Everything within a tier is arranged alphabetically. If something isn’t on the list, it will be someday. Leave your comments and we’ll talk. I give a lot of ...
That’s what’s going on in Opus and why it ends how it ends. Ariel’s on a talk show, ready to discuss, for the “millionth” ...
William Friedkin didn't shy away from discussing what Sorcerer was really about. But how did he structure the film to execute ...
The Devil's Rejects is about the eternal battle between good and evil—in both the world and within ourselves. And winning ...
Black Bag uses the spy genre to explore relationship dynamics that explain why some couples make it and others don't. We'll ...
Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to step into the mind of the Oscar-nominated actor John Malkovich? No? Well, Charlie Kaufman did—which ...