Beyond Pesticides celebrates the life and legacy of Joan Dye Gussow, EdD, a leader in the organic and local food movements ...
Following International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8, 2025, the poignant findings on gender and hazardous substances in ...
Earthjustice filed a lawsuit with USDA challenging the Department’s alleged illegal purging of pertinent data that organic ...
A bill in Washington state, if passed, would cultivate the expansion of the organic marketplace and offer incentives for farmers to transition.
A proposed change to a model pesticide ordinance in the city of Portland, Maine, was soundly defeated after public engagement and a city council vote.
A triazole fungicide, ipconazole, impacts sperm in a study of two male mammal species, indicating negative effects on reproductive health.
Disproportionate risks to women's health with pesticide exposure are heavily documented in scientific literature.
A study of intestinal damage from pesticide mixtures adds to the wide body of science highlighting regulatory deficiencies.