Michael Richardson speaks with State Rep. Daniel Alders (R-Tyler) and film producer Javier Chapa, who is from South Texas, ...
Some health care providers in support of Senate Bill 2880 said people who are mailed abortion pills aren’t given instructions ...
Senate Bill 31 supporters say it would clarify when doctors should intervene to save a pregnant woman’s life, but critics say ...
A Texas Senate committee is hearing three abortion bills on Thursday, including one that would clarify when doctors are ...
The Texas Senate Education Committee discussed three bills March 25 that senators said would expand public schools’ ability ...
Proposed legislation to enhance patient safety and tighten Texas laws over who can administer Botox injections — and similar ...
SB 990 would raise the age threshold for capital murder eligibility from under 10 years old to 15 years old. It now heads to ...
A bipartisan contingent of Texas Senators advanced a measure to teach the "horrors of communism" as part of the state's ...
Numbers can't do justice to how bad things are going for Texas. But we'll try: The Longhorns have more turnovers (9) than baskets (7), and Georgia is having its way inside with 20 points in the paint.
Numbers can't do justice to how bad things are going for Texas. But we'll try: The Longhorns have more turnovers (9) than baskets (7), and Georgia is having its way inside with 20 points in the paint.