Earlier this month, the program released a list of the worst cities for people with seasonal allergies to live in. Wichita, ...
For many people with seasonal allergies, spring is a difficult time. It’s particularly hard in a few of our state’s cities.
Flowers and trees bloomed up to two weeks earlier than normal, suggesting the allergy season will likely be longer and more ...
Pollen counts likely will exceed historical averages in 39 states this year as warmer weather starts to blanket much of the U ...
South Carolina is often ranked one of the worst states for allergies. The combination of warmer climates and high ...
We’re giving you the FIRST ALERT to the sunny and dry stretch of weather, leading to more widespread pollen and allergy ...
The region's only certified pollen counter has retired, leaving it to the machines. The lack of reliable data remains a ...
The latest pollen report from the North Carolina Division of Air Quality has grasses at a moderate level and trees at a high ...
Although pollen season is an annual nuisance, it is also one of the busiest times of the year for car washes, and removing ...
Tree pollen levels in Portland are on the rise, causing symptoms of sneezing, itchy eyes, and difficulty breathing in those ...
The peak of pollen season is here, with pollen counts in the 'extremely high' range likely again later this week ...
Georgia pollen levels have spiked this week, reaching near peak levels and causing allergy symptoms for many. Here's what you ...