Ciudad Juárez.-La priista Adriana Fuentes Téllez asumió este día como senadora en suplencia del senador panista por Chihuahua ...
We're hearing from the man targeted in that shooting, and a witness who saw it all happen. Mario Juarez is in a difficult place. He can't speak out because he could be a witness in that federal ...
On Friday, Reardon tossed the case against Mario Juarez, the longtime political operative and twice-failed Oakland City Council candidate who claimed to have been the target of an extortion scheme ...
On Friday, Reardon tossed the case against Mario Juarez, the longtime political operative and twice-failed Oakland City Council candidate who claimed to have been the target of an extortion scheme ...
Agustín Juárez y Mario González son dos de las bajas por lesión que tiene el Recreativo Granada, filial rojiblanco. El primero afronta un esguince acromioclavicular, ... Hace la misma compra en Lidl, ...
The Chronicle reports the men shot at Mario Juarez back in June, a few days before the FBI raided the homes of Thao and Duong family, who own Cal Waste. Juarez, described by the paper as a ...