Passalacqua recommends dividing your laundry into three distinct categories: Bath, hand, and facial towels Kitchen linens including towels, placemats, tablecloths, and cloth napkins Heavily soiled ...
"Use enough water in your sponge or rag to wet the wood surface ... dish detergent such as Dawn diluted in a pail of water is a good start for removing grease buildup," he explains. "Suds-up a soft, ...
While paper towels are convenient, avoid using them on these items to ensure a spotless clean and prevent potential damage.
Y ellow toilet seats are the worst. Toilets are meant to be sat on, after all, and no one wants to come in direct contact ...
I’ve suggested taking the money my children would have spent on a gift for us and making an extra credit card payment with it.
Berks County is divided into three jurisdictions: Reading, Muhlenberg Township and the rest of the county. Reading and ...
soiled rags sitting on food preparation surfaces, a personal phone stored on a food preparation table, and hood vent nozzles that were soiled with grease. A follow-up inspection was scheduled due ...
Since January, the Ocean County Health Department has inspected 597 restaurants, convenience stores and cafeterias.
The easiest, best way to clean an oven is to use a pumice stone. The pumice stone lifts even the most stubborn stains with ...