Morning, y’all! We love our bees, don’t we? They’re not hurting anyone, just pollinating and minding their own business. If you want to be a friend to the bees this spring, look out for their enemy: ...
Charles Mauldin was near the front of a line of voting rights marchers walking in pairs across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in ...
Selma on Sunday marked the 60th anniversary of the clash that became known as Bloody Sunday. The attack shocked the nation ...
John Reynolds returned to Selma for the 60th anniversary of both the SCOPE program and the Selma to Montgomery march.
Sixty years ago this month, civil rights activists walked across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma, Alabama before being violently attacked by law enforcement. The day became known as Bloody Sunday.
A person takes a photo of the march over the Edmund Pettus bridge during the 60th anniversary of the march to ensure that ...
Hundreds of people rallied at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, to mark 60 years since " Bloody Sunday ," when ...
The population of the small historic town of Selma, Alabama swells once a year as people from around the nation flock to its ...
Communities gathered at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, to commemorate 60 years since ‘Bloody Sunday.’ The 1965 encounter between activists and law enforcement was a climax in the Civil ...