Garifuna music is a rich tapestry woven from the threads of West African, Indigenous, and other Caribbean influences. This unique musical tradition erupted on the Central American coast in the 17th ...
The news of a tragic plane crash in Roatán has shocked the Honduran community and fans of music worldwide. Among the victims was the beloved singer-songwriter Aurelio Martínez Suazo, who perished ...
El incidente se produjo cerca de Saint-Dizier pero los dos pilotos y otro tripulante que iba en una de las avionetas pudieron ...
Asistentes al show aéreo filmaron el momento de la caída. La avioneta que se estrelló contra el suelo e inmediatamente se ...
Areini Palacio, NICH Board Member "Together with the legendary Paul Nabor, they commandeered the Paranda rocket ship that ...
Honduras ha sido escenario de trágicos accidentes aéreos que han dejado luto y consternación en el país. Desde desastres ocurridos en aeropuertos hasta aeronaves que se han precipitado en el mar o zon ...
One of the five passengers who miraculously survived a plane crash that killed 12 people in Honduras sensed that something ...
Su ritmo musical garífuna nació en su natal Plaplaya, Gracias a Dios (La Mosquitia), pero se extendio a los escenarios ...
It has truly been a heartbreaking year for the music world with some real legends having already died in 2025. But there have ...
El evento, completamente gratuito, se ha convertido en el punto de encuentro perfecto para familias, amigos y apasionados de ...
Well-known Garifuna musician Aurelio Martinez, who held dual citizenship in Honduras and the United States, was among the dead, according to officials.
Tegucigalpa, 21 mar (EFE).- Los restos del reconocido cantautor hondureño Aurelio Martínez, de la etnia garífuna (negra) ...