Dear Annie: I’ve been married to my second husband for 38 years. He’s a good man, and I’m blessed to have such a wonderful ...
He frequently interjects a trivial opinion or repeats something that I’ve just said into conversations I’m having with ...
Why does he act like this, and how do I handle it? I have seriously thought about ending our marriage because of this.
"He often 'reminds' me of the simplest things, like I’m too stupid to remember the smallest, most basic details." ...
Dear Annie: My friend “Lauren” and I have been close since high school. We used to talk all the time and make plans regularly ...
In today's Dear Annie column, Annie Lane offers advice to a reader who feels like she's the only one making an effort to ...
She insists everything is fine, she’s just “so busy.” ... but I also see her posting on social media, out with other friends.
Our mom keeps telling me to just go along with it to keep the peace, but I’m exhausted and resentful. I love my sister and ...
"It’s getting to the point where I don’t want to be around my best friend anymore because my toddler always takes a beating!" ...
She sends me endless texts about wedding details, expects me to be available 24/7 and gets upset if I can’t drop everything.
Dear Annie: I’m struggling with how to handle my mother-in-law, “Karen.” My husband, “Jake,” and I have been married for five ...
Last week, she asked me to redo her bridal shower plans because she “wasn’t feeling the theme” after I had already put down a ...