The law school’s student government passed a resolution to boycott companies that do business with Israel and speakers from ...
UC Davis administrators informed LSA leaders that implementing the resolution would violate university policies. They warned ...
By Steve Large Click here for updates on this story DAVIS, California (KOVR) -- UC Davis is suspending its Law Student ...
The University of California has been selective about which Trump policies it challenges in court. Some students want the UC ...
In the recurring legislative fight between YIMBY legislators and defenders of California’s signature environmental law, one ...
Los Angeles County District Attorney Nathan Hochman wants us to believe that his decision to resume seeking the death penalty ...
This week, the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office issued a press release touting the conviction of Kenneth Matthews under ...
Welcome back to The Weekly Wrap, our Friday roundup of stories that explain the problems oppressing people in cities and ...
Nearly a decade after the Supreme Court declared a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, Republican legislators in nine states are pushing resolutions calling for repeal of the ruling. Meanwhile, ...
Work part-time, don’t but earn too much. Enroll in college at least part-time, but be ready to miss class or work for an ...
Before San Diego Congresswomen Sara Jacobs and Susan Davis there was Lynn Alice Schenk. Her single term of service is far ...
UC Davis Medal will be awarded to Michael C. and Renée Z. Child, who have dedicated themselves to the University of ...