We've met Absolute Batman, but what's the deal with Absolute Joker? We chat with the creators of the series to learn more ...
DC's past and present will be chronicled in a new series titled New History of the DC Universe by Mark Waid, Jerry Ordway and ...
The Blue Blur meets The Scarlet Speedster, The Ultimate Life Form meets The Caped Crusader, The Strongest Thing Alive meets The Man of Steel! As you may have guessed, this week marks the first of ...
An international DC social media account has dropped an intriguing Superman tease today and it looks like we could get a new ...
It was the fight of a lifetime. On April 28, 1977, Muhammad Ali took on an impossible challenge and faced off against ...
Nightwing has long held the title of DC’s greatest butt, but thanks to a recent cover release, it seems Superman is coming ...
Employers are legally required to alert employees along with state and local officials at least 60 days before a mass layoff ...
One of the Supergirl stars is very proud of the adaptation of their character because it's reportedly faithful to the ...
It’s always thrilling to see two of your favorite franchises collide, and now fans have the chance to see that play out once ...
Comic fans have long known Wolverine to be one of the more diminutive superheroes as far as height is concerned, and ...
Please note: Superman enjoying a burger, and Batman sipping what looks like a green milkshake. Multi-tasking!