Schuetze Friedrich Merz, the man who is almost certain to be Germany’s next chancellor ... years ago in a power struggle with Angela Merkel. The leader of the center-right Christian Democratic ...
He’s a longtime rival of Merkel who had left politics after she ascended to power in Germany, and previously lost two votes to lead the CDU in 2018 and 2021. He holds more conservative views ...
The great German economy is stagnant and is wheezing under the weight of the Merkel and Scholz governments’ appeasement of the climate change militants, represented in the political arena by Germany’s ...
That means Germany is likely headed for a coalition ... the leader of the liberal Free Democrats surprisingly broke off talks with Angela Merkel’s C.D.U. and Ms. Merkel had to start searching ...
Merkel moved to consolidate her grip on Germany's center-right after the Union narrowly lost a national election in 2002. She pushed Merz aside as leader of its parliamentary group, taking the job ...
Meanwhile, Merz faces rising pressure on his right: Alternative for Germany (AfD), a far-right ... Who is Merz and what is he like? With Angela Merkel and Olaf Scholz, we had figures who seemed ...
Germany’s conservative Christian Democrats ... most recently during Angela Merkel’s final term as chancellor. The largest possible coalition, the one between the Christian Democrats and ...
Europe was long synonymous with Angela Merkel, Germany’s long-lasting – and only female – chancellor, who was known by affectionate nicknames like “Mutti Merkel,” or “Mommy Merkel,” ...
Merz has paid the price for failing to distance himself sooner and more decisively from the legacy of Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor from 2005 to 2021. In policy terms, Merz has gradually ...
Merz takes a very different economic view to Merkel, at least in the latter years of her chancellorship. In 2003, he argued for a radical simplification of Germany’s tax rules such that a tax ...
Friedrich Merz, a man who has never held a government role, is preparing to take the reins in Germany just as the ... reunification in 1990 allowed Angela Merkel, the East German daughter of ...