Wairoa A&P Society’s president says there’s a feeling of sadness that the town’s showgrounds will be lost to a flood spillway ...
Dr Elana Taipapaki Curtis has been among a number of prominent voices raising the alarm about the government's decision to ...
Today on CNN 10, we start with Target and find out why the major retailer says sales our down this holiday season. We then learn why the world’s tallest animal could be joining the endangered and ...
By examining the territory’s archaeology, anthropology and linguistics, our new book fits together the missing puzzle pieces ...
The majestic waka hourua Hinemoana is returning to Te Waipounamu, carrying a vital kaupapa: revitalising Māori and Pacific ...
Nature unveiled another mystery when an octopus was caught cruising through the waters of New Zealand — by hitching a ride on ...
Toitu te Zealand Wars, by Lauren Keenan (Te Āti Awa ki Taranaki), gives readers the history of 30 key battles and ...
Seek data shows remote-working listings peaked at 10.3 percent in September 2023. They then steadily fell to 7.5 in December last year. Massey University Management and Maori business professor Jarrod ...
Making te reo Maori compulsory in schools would help to promote the real history and unfair experiences that the tangata whenua (people of the land) have experienced over centuries. It can help ...