Shark lab researchers say they have a mountain of tracking data that shows juvenile great whites, some as long as nine feet, ...
In the Great Lakes, NOAA data is used for everything from going out on a boat, fishing, swimming, coastal flooding.
Explorers have discovered the sunken wreckage of one of the first steel cargo ships to travel the Great Lakes.
The final resting place of what was once the "safest ship afloat" was discovered after 132 years. Only one man, a wheelsman ...
Using a remotely operated vehicle, teams were able to find the wreck of the Western Reserve steamship, which sank on Aug. 30, 1892.
Although the Western Reserve was found in Lake Superior, estimates suggest there are more than 1,700 ships resting just in Lake Michigan.
This study out of the University of Houston points to a new theory that as North America began to split away, the Great Lakes ...