Many Christians still misunderstand who God is, or worse, misrepresent the nature and mission of God, Rob Sellers says.
The story of Easter is thus not about balancing or neutralizing sin but about the collapse of sin’s false narrative under the ...
1. Monotheistic religion: Christianity and Islam both believe in the reality of only one supreme God. There is only one god who is the creator and the sustainer of the universe. Believe that God ...
in order then to move on to consider the triune God as one God among many. Christianity is rightly monotheistic, and therefore all the attributes are attributes of the only true God of Scripture.
Fox News Digital interviewed Hallow CEO Alex Jones and Rev. James T. Bretzke about the top methods people can grow in holiness during the Lenten season.
I have to ask which God is the letter referring to? It certainly can’t be the God of Christianity. Christianity teaches that Jesus was the embodiment of God made man, ergo Jesus is God.