Of the originally recalled 47,084 trucks, 567 have been recalled once again because dealers remedied them with the incorrect ...
The Ford F-150 has been the best-selling vehicle in America for decades, and after spending a week with one, I can definitely ...
At the begining of Atomic fever in the United States, Ford introduced a cool concept that was envisioned as a car powered by a nuclear reactor.
Tesla makes a great EV. But so does General Motors. GM made a mass-produced EV long before Tesla was founded. And long before Elon Musk joined the company.
The Santa Clara, California, resident said she was a "die-hard Jeep person" before she purchased the Mach-E Rally, the more ...
ZQUIP made headlines last year by bringing the cordless power tool battery model to the world of industrial-grade heavy equipment.
Batteries, whether they’re small enough to power your smartwatch or big enough to run an all-electric pickup truck provide ...
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