Michigan, daylight saving time

The annual return to Daylight Saving Time in Michigan is March 9, bringing with it late evening sunshine that gets ...
Highs will be around 60 degrees on Monday, with abundant sunshine. This will be the warmest in Metro Detroit since November.
Trump wants to end the switch, and hundreds of time-change bills have been introduced in legislatures across the country, but ...
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your body and mind adjust. Take afternoon naps: If you feel tired in ...
We’ve all experienced the shift to and from daylight saving time—whether we like it or not. In decades past, we’d wake up to clocks running an hour behind or ahead, and we’d adjust them by ...
As clocks “spring forward” to daylight saving time at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 9, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Michigan Fitness Foundation (MFF) remind drivers to watch out for ...
New York State Partnership Against Drowsy Driving is promoting its “Stay Awake, Stay Alive” message with Daylight Saving Time ...