6 a.m. 5 p.m. Stations of the Cross on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 5:15 p.m. 6 a.m. Noon (Stations of the Cross prayed before Mass at 11:30 a.m.) 6 p.m. Blessed Sacrament Chapel hours are ...
A: Contrary to popular thinking, Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation. You do not have to go to Mass that day or ...
Waving of palaspas or palm fronds has been a part of the Filipino Catholic Church’s tradition during Palm Sunday. But what ...
After Sigmon chose the firing squad, suddenly, said Taylor, “I got catapulted into the movement to save his life.” She was ...
It’s the halfway point for fish frys throughout Greater Cleveland. Non-profits – churches, VFW halls and other groups – are offering an array of dinners including everything from shrimp to slaw during ...
ANALYSIS: Who will lead the Holy Week liturgies? Will Francis meet in person with King Charles? These are just some of the ...
The foundress of EWTN, Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, died nine years ago, but her legacy lives on.
As Easter approaches on April 20, 2025, faithful Christians worldwide are using the holy season of Christ’s journey from sacrifice to resurrection to demand protection for vulnerable people around the ...
For United Methodist minister Hillary Taylor, there's a reward in introducing outsiders to someone who is kind and ...
Holy Week is an annual Christian commemoration that remembers the Passion of Christ: his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the ...
When 67-year-old Brad Sigmon was put to death on March 7 in South Carolina for the murder of his then-girlfriend's parents, ...
Introduction The history of Lent dates back to centuries ago with Christians spending time preparing to celebrate the ...