Welcome! As part of its educational mission, SUNY Cortland supports and fosters research in order to advance knowledge and scholarship. When research activities involve human participants, ethical ...
SI Leader Training Guide (.docx): independent-study introduction to Supplemental Instruction. ALL training activities require your familiarity with this material! Read and work through the exercises ...
For the past two years, the Institutional Planning and Assessment Committee (IPAC) has considered feedback from over 50 meeting, surveys, and discussions with campus stakeholders, reviewed feedback ...
300 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy provides a fingerprint of a substance based on the behavior of a specific nuclei in the presence of a magnetic field. Common nuclei include 1 H and 13 C ...
These courses support the master's program in Physics (MAT APH program). Most of the courses will be offered on an as-needed basis. Prior to enrolling in this program, students must contact the chair ...
1. Sign in to your (the student’s) myRedDragon account. For assistance with signing in, select one of the help links. 2. Select the Student tab. Your home page may look slightly different. 3. Select ...
1. Sign in to your (the student’s) myRedDragon account. For assistance with signing in, select one of the help links. 2. Select the Student tab. Your home page may look slightly different. 3. Select ...
At SUNY Cortland, we proudly recognize our first-generation students, faculty, and staff. Being the first in your family to attend a four-year college is a remarkable achievement, and we recognize the ...
My experience in the Physics Department at SUNY Cortland has had a huge impact on my life. I learned to adapt and grow with the support from my professors and my classmates. The Physics Department at ...
Let's take a journey through the airs of abstraction, creativity, love and visit practical and concrete topics for better health and well-being along the way. CICC is thrilled to announce AIR as our ...
1. Sign in to your (the student’s) myRedDragon account. For assistance with signing in, select one of the help links. 2. Select the Student tab. Your home page may look slightly different. 3. From the ...