The gospel lectionary reading is Luke 13.1–9. Paul engages in his characteristic Christological reading, drawing parallels ...
The gospel lectionary reading for Lent 2 in this Year C is Luke 13.31–35, and once again the lectionary does us something of ...
I write a quarterly column for Preach magazine, in which I explore a significant word, phrase, or idea in the Bible, or a ...
Last week I was at Kings Cross station in London waiting for a train when a middle-aged man called Martin approached me ...
At the beginning of Lent, it is traditional to consider taking up a spiritual discipline for the season—or perhaps giving ...
It follows on from the better-known autobiographical passage—which we will discuss in three week's time in Lent 5. Paul uses neologisms—words that he appears to have created—to urge his readers ...
The NT epistle for the First Sunday of Lent (Lent 1) in Year C is Romans 8b–13. It is a slightly odd choice by the lectionary, since the passage starts in verse 5, and you really need to read from ...
The Sunday gospel lectionary reading for Lent 1 in Year C is Luke 4.1–13, Luke’s account of the temptation of Jesus in the desert. (The link to the video discussion of this passage can be found at the ...