Presbyopia-correcting contact lenses still evade a significant number of patients with presbyopia, even as prescription rates have increased.
Given the substantial variability in clinical AI algorithms, implementing effective monitoring solutions is highly recommended.
Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists appear to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and primary open-angle glaucoma.
Easily available nitrous oxide canisters like "Whip-it!" can cause both temporary and lasting neurological damage or death.
Doctors in New York used a stem cell therapy to cure sickle cell anemia for the first time by modifying red blood cell production.
Machine learning models can feasibly diagnose mild cognitive impairment in older adults by assessing their motor function.
Young adults with myopia who attend school may benefit from lower concentration atropine, which minimizes visual performance disruptions.
The US Department of Veterans Affairs will no longer offer hormone replacement therapy for transgender veterans seeking treatment.
Dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) significantly affects patients' daily activities and quality of life, regardless of visual impairment.
Upward telemedicine trends in schizophrenia treatment were rapid after the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in state-operated agencies.
COVID-19 vaccination in early pregnancy (≤20 weeks of gestation) is not associated with increased prevalence of major structural birth defects.
Sexual satisfaction is negatively impacted by living with Sjögren disease and is strongly correlated with depressive symptoms.