The word ‘Dayak’ is a collective term referring to the several hundred sub ethnic groups of indigenous people of Borneo. To name a few major ethnic groups, there are the Iban (Sea Dayak), Bidayuh ...
这网站包含2025年马来西亚完整的公共假期表。这些日期可能会被修改。请定期查看最新信息。请向下滚动查看全国日历列表或选择您所在的州。 查看 正式发布。
Chinese New Year is the most anticipated holiday period each year for the millions of Malaysians with Chinese ancestry. It is also called “Spring Festival” and “Lunar New Year” and is dated based on ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. It is a day when Muslims remember the “almost sacrifice,” according to Islamic Scriptures, of Ishmael by Ibrahim on Mount Moriah in the ...
Hari Pekerja di raikan setiap tahun pada 1 Mei. Hari Pekerja merupakan hari cuti am bagi Malaysia. Berdasarkan sejarah, Hari Pekerja adalah sambutan pencapaian ekonomi dan sosial pekerja, termasuk ...
16 Aug Mon Prophet Muhammad's Birthday Holiday National except Kedah, Prophet Muhammad’s birthday is also called Maulud Nabi in Malaysia, and is commonly marked by religious lectures and readings of ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. Buddhists in Malaysia celebrate Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death on Wesak Day. It is sometimes referred to as Buddha’s Birthday, ...
马来西亚约四分之一的人口由华裔组成,因此农历新年是当地一个非常重要的民族节日。农历新年亦是国定假日。 请向下滚动到页面底部以查看昔年的日期。 华裔族群在马来西亚有着悠久的 ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. Historically, Labour Day is a celebration of the economic and social achievements of workers, including the establishment of the 8-hour day ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. On Awal Muharram, Muslims in Malaysia attend mosque and start a month of fasting between sunrise and sunset. Ramadan is considered the ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. There are not many activities held on Melaka Governor’s Birthday, but it is a great time to get out and explore Malacca and learn more of ...