Cambridge Turnpike westbound (4:51pm) — Officers assisted Massachusetts State Police with a two-vehicle crash. Bypass Road (7:19pm) — A dead deer was removed from the side of the road. Kelly Lane, ...
Please visit our Annual Town Meeting web page for up-to-date meeting information. It contains links to meeting procedures and ...
Jack’s institutional memory of LSRHS from his prior tenure on the L-S School Committee will serve all of us well, particularly since all the remaining members on the LSSC have served for two years or ...
By Dr. Steven Kanner Although I run unopposed for the Lincoln Board of Health this year, some policy and personal information may still be of interest to voters.
The Zoning Board of the Appeals of the Town of Lincoln will hold a virtual online public hearing if the law allows or at 16 Lincoln Rd., Donaldson Room on Thursday, April 3, 2025, at 7:00pm to hear ...