Newtown-based Sandy Hook Promise has reached more than 13 million through the peer-to-peer program to end gun violence ...
Tina Sigana, a survivor of the shooting is comforted by her home room teacher Missy Dodds, who was in the classroom where the ...
To combat school shootings, Sandy Hook Promise released a new PSA centered around a teddy bear. A member of the group tells Her Campus about its message.
A network of superintendents who've led districts after school shootings plans to support colleagues recovering from similar ...
Nicholas Prosper admitted to killing his mother Juliana Falcon, 48, his 13-year-old sister Giselle Prosper and 16-year-old ...
Sadness, fear and anxiety over school-based gun violence are ... which was formed in Newtown after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, is helping students channel those feelings into ...
A company that wanted to buy Infowars and keep Alex Jones as the host was shut down by a bankruptcy judge in the Sandy Hook ...
What drove his obsession with mass killings and how was he stopped from committing further atrocities?Prosper, 19, is ...
Nicholas Prosper shot dead his mum, sister and brother at their flat in Luton last year, before leaving with the intention to ...
Nicholas Prosper shot dead his mother, brother and sister at their home, and was arrested before he could carry out a ...
Prosper told police upon his arrest of his "Friday the 13th" plan to kill four-year-old pupils and two teachers at a nearby ...