The OPTIMUM study found 4.5% more clinically significant cancers among men who underwent micro-ultrasound–guided biopsies of ...
The new surgical method, called NeuroSAFE, preserves the nerves that run through the prostate’s outer layers, which are ...
Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in American men. Further, non-Hispanic Blacks have a higher ...
A trial tested MRI and microultrasonography guided biopsy separately and in combination for the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer.
Microultrasonography-guided prostate biopsy proved noninferior to MRI/conventional ultrasound-fusion (MRI/US-fusion) imaging ...
Biopsies guided by high resolution ultrasound are as effective as those using MRI in diagnosing prostate cancer, an ...
Biopsies guided by high resolution ultrasound are as effective as those using MRI in diagnosing prostate cancer, an ...
High-resolution microultrasonography-guided biopsy was non-inferior to MRI fusion-guided biopsy for detecting clinically significant prostate cancer (detection rates, 47.1% and 42.6%, respectively ...
Earlier this week, researchers presented data from the OPTIMUM (Optimization of Prostate Biopsy – Micro-Ultrasound Versus MRI ...
Opens in a new tab or window Microultrasonography for prostate biopsy detected clinically significant cancer at rates comparable to MRI-guided approaches. Detection rates for clinically ...
Biopsies guided by high resolution ultrasound are as effective as those using MRI in diagnosing prostate cancer, an international clinical trial has shown. The technology, called micro-ultrasound ...