Lent at this time of year. That means for some abstinence from various food, drink, or activities. One tradition is to avoid ...
Lent is the 40-day period of repentance and renewal preceding Easter. It is a special spiritual season for meditation, prayer ...
In addition, by fasting from the temptation to hurry and recklessly rush about, we embrace the Lenten call to grow by living ...
Lent began on Ash Wednesday, March 5. We have 40 days to prepare ourselves for the Triduum by allowing God to purify us ...
Overview: An ancient spiritual practice, fasting can range from rejecting food and water to giving up a favorite TV show during the 40 days of Lent. Along with prayer and reading of Scripture, the ...
Fasting is one of the most well-known practices of Lent. Many Christians choose to give up certain foods or activities during this period, reflecting on the sacrifices that Jesus made ...
The theme of the retreat, which will take place from the evening of March 9 through the morning of March 14, is “The Hope of ...
We have just entered the season of Lent. It begs a question. Must one be a Christian in order to benefit from some of its ...
He said the traditional activities related to the observance of the Lenten season, particularly during the Holy Week, is an opportunity for Catholics to have a better understanding of their faith ...