The lessons to learn are: avoid war, and the drum-beating that precedes it. And avoid technocratic utopian groupthink; avoid ideologies masquerading as science. The Nazi Hunger Plan was devised by an ...
The press bureau emphasized that "the European population is supposed to be assured of the 'existential danger' emanating from Russia, the only remedy for which is the destruction of Russia’s statehoo ...
Trump’s Oval Office Spectacle: When Power Becomes a Stage for Humiliation.
Georgy Zhukov was Stalin’s top general. During World War II, he led the Red Army from victory to victory, but when peace ...
When growing up in his native Austria, Hitler was very close to his mother, Klara (pair pictured above). He would later write that her death - from breast cancer in 1907 - 'hardened' him.
The slow, seemingly piecemeal march of American dictatorship is trampling colleges and law firms and coming for the rest of ...
Democrats are not going to like this column but won't be able to refute any of it.  That's the beauty of fact-finding as opposed to shallow blather. So, ...