Habitat for Humanity was among organizations whose Citibank accounts the FBI froze while investigating the EPA's Greenhouse ...
Sources say the FBI, under the direction of the Trump administration, is moving to criminalize organizations that received ...
Citibank revealed in a court filing Wednesday that it was told to freeze the groups’ bank accounts at the FBI’s request. The reason? The FBI alleges that the groups are involved in “possible criminal ...
Citibank was following requests from the Trump White House when it froze the accounts of several nonprofits last month.
The accounts were frozen in February, but documents filed today make public details which had previously been unknown.
The idea of criminalizing community climate work wouldn’t have originated at the FBI - it likely comes from EPA director Lee Zeldin, who today cut all EPA’s environmental justice offices," Capitol ...
The FBI is moving to criminalize groups like Habitat for Humanity for receiving grants from the Environmental Protection Agency under the Biden administration. Citibank revealed in a court filing ...
In a court filing, the bank said it was informed that the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund was under an active criminal investigation.
The FBI has requested that Citibank place 30 ... other nonprofit and state government agency accounts, including Habitat for Humanity, United Way, the Colorado Clean Energy Fund, and New York ...
Tech Crunch reported that the FBI asked Citibank to freeze several “nonprofit and state government agency accounts, including Habitat for Humanity, United Way, the Colorado Clean Energy Fund ...