Timothy Pauley is serving consecutive life sentences for a deadly armed robbery at a SeaTac tavern in 1980 that ended with ...
Governor Ferguson revokes parole granted to Pauley, serving life for three murders, after public outcry and concerns raised.
Bob Ferguson issued an order Tuesday afternoon cancelling the planned release of convicted killer Timothy Robert Pauley. The ...
Gov. Bob Ferguson signed a letter Tuesday rescinding the release of a convicted killer, originally sentenced to life without ...
Ferguson and Democrats agree they need to honor state employees' raises outlined in a new collective bargaining agreement. Now the debate turns to furloughs.
Washington state Gov. Bob Ferguson issued an order Tuesday afternoon canceling the planned release of convicted triple ...
Ferguson’s chief strategy officer Mike Webb resigned Wednesday morning following claims that he’d fostered a toxic work ...
His predecessor, Jay Inslee, agreed to release Timothy Pauley from prison as part of a pardon that was signed before he left ...
A top aide to Gov. Bob Ferguson resigned this week amid allegations of creating a hostile workplace for women.
Joyce Bruce's departure comes midway through a legislative session in which tensions have broken out between Ferguson and ...
Gov. Bob Ferguson is pledging to limit his own emergency powers after a bill he backed to place new limits on that authority ...
SEATTLE – Gov. Bob Ferguson’s legislative director resigned amid concerns about a toxic workplace allegedly fostered by a top ...