Some Yellowstone National Park workers who lost their jobs say they have not heard if they’ll be reinstated. At least 12 ...
"Our findings emphasize the power of predators as ecosystem architects," lead researcher William Ripple said. "The ...
Spring is the best time to visit Yellowstone National Park. Here are just five reasons why this national park is the perfect ...
Staff in Yellowstone National Park observed the first grizzly bear tracks of 2025 earlier this month — signaling the very ...
The New York Historical honor goes to Randall K. Wilson, whose “A Place Called Yellowstone” chronicles a landscape “capable ...
Geologically speaking, things are always changing at Yellowstone—especially in the hydrothermal areas. It’s simply the nature ...
Yellowstone National Park, renowned for its geothermal features, poses severe dangers in restricted areas. The tragic death ...
Yellowstone fans learn of the train station, or the "long black train," during Season 1, when a ranchhand named Fred needs to ...
Construction vehicles outfitted with snowplows and blowers have started the months-long process of clearing roads in ...
Yellowstone staff locates grizzly bear tracks and a photographer captures footage of a bear out of hibernation. Time for ...
Yellowstone National Park has recently seen the effects of wolves being brought back into its borders. The animals have ...
In March 1995, a few wolves cautiously exited their pens into the melting snow of Yellowstone National Park, returning there ...