The events in Shushan were never merely about the Jews of Persia. Just a few years before Esther’s miraculous rise, we had ...
New radiocarbon dating at the Huqoq sanctuary in the Galilee puts its construction after the empire embraced Christianity, ...
Four residents of east Jerusalem were arrested for a variety of cases of incitement and online support of terrorism in recent ...
An extended stay at a hotel is a lot like a marriage. In both encounters, you are going to inevitably find fault. The good, ...
In the first Friday prayers of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, about 90,000 Palestinians prayed at the Al-Aqsa Mosque ...
In this column, we are going to look at the way the Church is the hope for a hopeless society. Jesus founded this Church, but ...
Newly excavated site in Ostia Antica, dating as early as the 3rd century CE, offers fresh insight and new enigmas about the ...
ToI's diplomatic reporter talks about the complex historical ties between the two peoples -- and why Israel was arming Iran ...
In the parable of the good Samaritan, a priest and a Levite passed the man in need before the Samaritan arrived. Why did they ...
Trump is considering entering Israeli politics and declaring his candidacy to become Prime Minister of the Jewish State. Mazel tov!
Scores of extremist Jewish settlers desecrated the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Thursday morning and later in the ...