Sauron was finally defeated at the end of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, but many are unsure about what exactly happened to ...
No doubt that many casual audiences will consider Sauron's appearance to only be that which we see in the prologue of The ...
Though Sauron is the Big Bad in The Lord of the Rings novel, Peter Jackson 's trilogy of films, and The Rings of Power, we're not treated to much of his backstory in any iteration of Tolkien's high ...
Sauron is the greatest evil in the Lord of the Rings franchise, and that is partly due to the fortress he constructed at Dol ...
Cate Blanchett reveals that she almost made a cameo in The Hobbit as someone other than Galadriel after director Peter ...
The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum announcement came with a statement from Andy Serkis, who provided the ...
Speculation has served The Lord of the Rings fandom for years in terms of the horrors underlying Sauron's armor, but his ...