LUCKNOW: A day after his residence was stormed by the Karni Sena activists in Agra, Samajwadi Party Rajya Sabha MP Ramji Lal ...
SP MP Ramji Lal Suman refuses to apologise for his remarks on Rana Sanga, citing historical sources including Nehru's book.
Changing Landscape If Fink isn’t ready to go, potential successors face a choice. Two have already hit the exits: Salim Ramji now runs rival Vanguard Group Inc., and Mark Wiedman will leave soon. Two ...
While the appointment of Salim Ramji as CEO for the Vanguard Group strayed from Vanguard's tradition of hiring internally for the role, we remain confident that Ramji is well-supported by a stable ...
“That remains my view.” Vanguard global chief Salim Ramji told the American Chamber of Commerce that business and markets ultimately wanted certainty. “These aren’t surprises. [Trump ...
Salim Ramji began his career in finance back in the early 1990s. That was an uncertain time as the world emerged from the Cold War and walls and trade barriers fell. What followed was three ...
Mr Ramji said regulators such as the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and investors were “right to be worried” about the fact that many larger companies around the world were ...
Vanguard could look at providing products that invest in the increasing number of private companies, the index funds management giant’s global CEO has told a Sydney function. Mr Ramji said ...