In Lourdes, France, in 1844 a baby girl named ... Several months had passed, and after receiving communion on the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Bernadette felt an irresistible urge to return ...
Our Lady of Lourdes, Mother of Christ, you had influence with your divine son while upon earth. You have the same influence now in Heaven. Pray for us; obtain for us from your Divine Son our ...
Our Lady Peace are currently celebrating 30 years as a band on a cross-Canada tour, but a concert in their hometown of Toronto was suspiciously omitted from their plans — until now. The band ...
Our Lady Peace performed at The Royal Theatre just shy of two years ago, a gadget-heavy concert outfitted with the latest in cutting-edge technology that left some audience members cold.
Check out our Events section for more upcoming events in Toronto. Have an event you’d like to plug? Adding an event to our listings is free and only takes seconds. Whether you’re organizing ...
Check out our Events section for more upcoming events in Toronto. Have an event you’d like to plug? Adding an event to our listings is free and only takes seconds. Whether you’re organizing ...
There’s something cartoonishly indulgent about meeting for oysters and prosecco at noon on a Thursday, but when I asked Meredith MacNeill and Jennifer Whalen to suggest an activity for our first ...
Algoma-Manitoulin MP Carol Hughes pinned the King Charles III Coronation Medal on Jessie Hennessey.
Canadian folk-rock icon Neil Young has another date with Toronto’s Budweiser Stage.