In Lourdes, France ... Lifting up her eyes, she saw a lady of great beauty, dressed in a pure white robe with a blue sash, a veil over her head, a rosary clasped in her hands and yellow roses ...
Exalted model of all mothers, Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us ... Who did carry the rosary to induce us to pray, Pray for us. Who had thy hands joined and thy eyes raised to Heaven to draw ...
Her favorite television channel was EWTN. She worshiped Holy Water particularly from Lourdes and was delighted ... was spending time at the Shrine to Our Lady of Knock where she went to Mass ...
Many Catholics recall similar vigils held in St. Peter’s Square when Pope John Paul II was hospitalized in the final days of his papacy in 2005. Today, as Pope Francis battles health concerns, the ...
The Basilica in Lourdes, France, a prominent European pilgrimage destination, is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, further cementing the image of Mary holding the rosary. It’s long been a tradition ...
This newly designated national shrine is holy ground, witnessing to 17th-century Jesuit priests and laymen and St. Kateri ...
In a 1956 letter to a friend, Flannery O’Connor, speaking of her adulthood battle with lupus, said, “I have never been anywhere but sick. In a sense sickness is a place more instructive than a ...
Our Lady Peace performed at The Royal Theatre just shy of two years ago, a gadget-heavy concert outfitted with the latest in cutting-edge technology that left some audience members cold.
“We ask Our Lady of Good Health to intercede for Pope Francis in his hour of need,” the archdiocese said. On its website on Monday the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops invited the faithful to join ...
Collaborative with Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Mary of the Angels ...
Yigo celebrated its annual Our Lady of Lourdes feast ... “As a Catholic, we always pray the Rosary,” she said. “And so with our patroness being Santa Lourdes, she was the one who was able ...