In Lourdes, France, in 1844 a baby girl named ... Several months had passed, and after receiving communion on the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Bernadette felt an irresistible urge to return ...
Our Lady of Lourdes, Mother of Christ, you had influence with your divine son while upon earth. You have the same influence now in Heaven. Pray for us; obtain for us from your Divine Son our ...
Why Binghamton has a strong connection to state championship teams from the 1980s and how Patriots regrouped following a tough stretch.
"It means a lot because Binghamton hasn't seen that in like 40 years," senior star Zubayr Griffin said after Saturday's 70-63 win over Poughkeepsie Our Lady of Lourdes in the regional final.
These are some of the famous faces who went to Lourdes Secondary School in Caronald. Lourdes Secondary School in Cardonald was established in 1956 and serves a large catchment area brining in pupils ...
Peggy Montes, founder of the Bronzeville Children’s Museum, who helped institutionalize Women’s History Month in Chicago ... ‘When I get you elected — when our women get you elected ...
Lebanon senior Kailah Correa (2,166 career points) joined the 2,000-point club, and Northern Lebanon senior Olivia Shutter (1 ...
Collaborative with Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Mary of the Angels ...
Yigo celebrated its annual Our Lady of Lourdes feast alongside World Day of the Sick, drawing a record crowd and igniting a renewed sense of hope among the island’s Catholic faithful.
You might remember the phrase "beware the Ides of March" from your high school English class. Here's what it means and when ...
On this Jubilee Year of Hope-themed episode of “,” Zac and Ashley chat with Father Ramil Fajardo, a tribunal judge in the ...