Overall market conditions in the oil and gas industry have improved, drawing more attention and need for injection wells.
from a 2.7 magnitude to a 2.5. There were ... while still fairly uncommon, larger earthquakes normally originate from places such as Ohio, and not from the north side of the watershed.
But “it wasn’t so severe I thought — ‘Oh no, this could be the Big ... The Loma Prieta earthquake, with a magnitude of 6.9, shook the Santa Cruz Mountains in 1989, leaving 63 people ...
Another said: “oh crap, go look at the Ollera Creek ... It was crazy that’s for sure.” A 4.4 magnitude earthquake hit Townsville on Saturday night. In May last year, a section of cattle ...
"It shuddered once and I thought, 'Oh my god what was that ... Related: Here's what a 7.2-magnitude earthquake would do to Vancouver Heinie Enslin tells V.I.A. he was away from his desk while working ...
After the judge ordered attorneys to stop blanket-sealing evidence, we have some newly released but redacted filings to discuss.
Shaking from a 5.1 magnitude earthquake startled many Metro Vancouverites ... "It shuddered once and I thought, 'Oh my god what was that! did a truck hit this building? And then after the second ...