Weather forecasters reckon temperatures could rise as high as 21C in the UK today - but now weather modelling maps show snow ...
Snow will batter the North of England and Scotland on 31 March and 1 April, as rain engulfs the majority of the country.
As Brits bask in a balmy hot spell today, advanced weather modelling maps suggests heavy snow will soon return to our shores ...
The early days of spring could see the UK hit with two further bouts of snow at the end of March, with London amongst those ...
Temperatures are set to soar this week in time for the first day of spring, with highs of 20C seen on in parts of the country ...
Rain or snow looks set to strike Plymouth, Cardiff, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle and Belfast, weather maps show.
This momentum is backed by research from The Knowledge Bank (part of Scotland Food & Drink), which found that nearly two ...
Maps show snow or rain hitting almost the whole country at midday on March 28, apart from Scotland, which looks almost ...
Despite the Met Office suggesting average temperatures, forecasts a colder snap with its latest data showing chills ... to weather maps, the entirety of Scotland and a large portion ...
Temperatures in the UK are forecast to reach 21C later this week for the first official day of spring. The spring equinox on ...
The UK could face a whopping 12 hours of the white stuff as we head through the calendar month and towards the end of March ...