A jury has convicted a failed political candidate of federal charges in connection with a series of drive-by shootings at the ...
The Washington County Grand Jury released indictments of 28 individuals Wednesday, primarily dealing with various ...
Silas Zion, the alleged getaway driver for Christopher Lucrisia, was indicted on charges of being an accomplice to attempted ...
Jahree Williams, who is accused of killing a Harvest Circle K clerk, Taylor North, was bound to a grand jury on Wednesday.
RANKIN COUNTY, Miss. (WLBT) - A man is no longer facing a first-degree murder charge after a Rankin County grand jury failed ...
A judge has found that prosecutors have enough evidence to move forward with assault and shooting charges against two men ...
A grand jury issued a "no bill" on the sexual assault charge, meaning they did not find sufficient evidence to formally try ...
Many communities in Floyd County were ravaged by the February floodwaters, leaving communities to clean up and consider ...
People in Pulaski County protested outside of Rep. Hal Rogers office March 19, in hopes to shine light on the potential loss ...
It's been three weeks since the release of the State Auditor's scathing report on TPS and former board member Dr. Jerry ...
Here is a look at several judges hearing cases related to Donald Trump's executive actions who have a history with him that goes back years, in some cases.
-HERBERT NETTLES, age 30, of Napoleon, Ohio, was indicted on one account of Illegal Conveyance of Drugs of Abuse onto Grounds ...