"Wonder Woman" is the DCEU's answer to "Captain America: The First Avenger". Part historical epic, part myth, part superhero ...
identified Game Of Thrones as one of four franchises it wanted to focus on (along with DC Comics ... Avalanche Software is handling that, but Suicide Squad’s Rocksteady is assisting as well.
DC is set to make a massive ... Amanda Waller forming a new black-ops team after being banned from putting “human” lives at risk with the Suicide Squad. This series introduced a more ...
The next mainline "Spider-Man" gets a mention since it ... Calling this movie Marvel's version of DC's The Suicide Squad would be a bit reductive. But after watching the first "Thunderbolts ...
Black Clover is an engaging ... it’s no surprise that DC Comics toys with different mediums and genres. However, the reveal of the anime series Suicide Squad Isekai was still unexpected.
In Spider-Man: No Way Home ... military force earlier seen in both Guardians of the Galaxy films. The Suicide Squad (the James Gunn one, not the other one) is one of the DCEU’s best movies.
Per a recent rumor, fans could witness the debut of Black Cat in the much-awaited Spider-Man 4 in the form of a villain.
Coming off a recent rumor that Spider-Man 4 will introduce a female villain, we have some possible updates on who could be in ...
Nicolas Cage's upcoming Spider-Noir series could be released in black and white as well as in color, according to star Lukas Haas. The show sees the return of the moody black-and-white Spider-Man ...
DC Stduios has yet to share anything showing ... John Cena reprises in the aftermath of James Gunn's 2021 film The Suicide Squad - a compellingly vainglorious man who believes in peace at ...