"If a black bear becomes habituated to humans or food conditioned, they may become increasingly bold or destructive." Locals on alert after spotting bears lurking around campgrounds, trying to enter ...
A wildlife naturalist guide captured the footage of a sleepy black bear mother emerging from the den and revealing her cubs ...
Black bear mating season takes place during the summer, but embryos do not begin to develop until the mother bear enters her den. Cubs are born in the middle of the winter denning period, usually ...
If you like your backyard sans bears, it’s time to remove birdfeeders. As spring arrives, Michigan’s 12,000 black bears are ...
As Michigan's 12,000 bears emerge from hibernation, the DNR advises removing bird feeders and securing outdoor food sources ...
Lenovo Center is hosting the first and second rounds of the NCAA men's basketball tournament this weekend. It's the fourth ...
Bears are most active in the spring and summer, meaning you're most likely to encounter a bear in Gatlinburg between April and August, according to the National Park Service website. During these ...