Then, in the early 1900s, President Abraham Lincoln replaced Liberty on the penny ... Today, wheat pennies are considered the most commonly collected U.S. coins, which makes them worth at least a few ...
The combination of "copper" and "penny" might not seem like the best formula for valuable coins considering that you can find ...
In light of President Donald Trump's desire to eliminate the penny, it's noteworthy that one of the most significant coins ...
Chances are you’ve heard of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. The series of debates between Abraham Lincoln and U.S. Senator Stephen Douglas launched Lincoln into national prominence ...
This coin was the first in the country's history to feature the face of a real person, instead of symbols or abstract figures. On its obverse is the portrait of Abraham Lincoln, while on its reverse ...
You can find them almost anywhere, but there may come a day when the Lincoln penny is no more ... According to Dave Sorrick, coin expert and collector at “In God We Trust, LLC.” ...
It is a rather unknown version of the 1992 Lincoln penny. This coin featuring Abraham Lincoln is known for an unusual detail in its design. It is the 1992 Close AM penny, a coin that at first glance ...
Watts provided insights into the creative process. The musical takes place during the last three summers of President Abraham Lincoln's life. Over the course of these three summers, Lincoln faces ...
In his second inaugural address, delivered as the Civil War neared its end, Abraham Lincoln turned not to politics but to theology. “Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God ...
Numismatics is a fascinating field, especially when it comes to rare coins. Sometimes, a small imperfection can transform a common coin into a true gem. Among the 1983 pennies, there are a few ...