The HIndu profiles on Abdullah Öcalan, former PKK leader, calls for peace and dissolution of the group after decades of ...
Tehran’s recent setbacks have paved the way for Ankara’s ascent. The Ankara-backed Azerbaijan’s triumph over Tehran-backed ...
Iran and the U.S. welcomed PKK's imprisoned leader Abdullah Öcalan's call for the terrorist group to disarm and dissolve ...
The bitter experiences of the past century have proved that a progressive solution to the Kurdish question, which is ...
The PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) should dissolve. I make this call and take historical responsibility,” read the letter ...
Ocalan repudiated the “extreme nationalist deviation” of seeking a separate Kurdish state, insisting that the Kurdish ...
A common suggestion among Israeli hawks is to retaliate against Turkey by supporting the PKK or YPG—just as Turkey supports ...
In a historic move, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party has called for the group to disarm, paving the way for a new ...
These meetings culminated in Öcalan’s February 27 statement, in which he urged his organization to lay down arms and abandon ...
The Kurdish forces, then, appear to believe that swallowing this bitter pill is the only way to preserve their social base ...