It would appear that the left's strongest bastion, Washington D.C., is backing down on its dedication to advancing wokeness.
claims a statue of George Floyd, the Black man whose death at the hands of a white police officer sparked nationwide racial justice protests in 2020 has been removed from Washington D.C. “George ...
DDOT has announced plans to reconstruct Black Lives Matter Plaza, a move that will temporarily close sections of 16th Street ...
Three protesters who marched against the killing of George Floyd may proceed with their excessive force claims against ...
Despite all the theater that went into capitulating to BLM in 2020, it would appear that even D.C.'s mayor can't stop the "evolution." ...
The Metropolitan Police Department has reinstated two Washington, DC, officers weeks after President Donald Trump pardoned ...
WASHINGTON — For the second time, the killing of George Floyd by a police officer has brought about a breakage between ...
despite their previously contentious relationship that hit a fever pitch in 2020 during the George Floyd riots. "President Trump and I both want Washington, DC to be the best, most beautiful city ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. (7News) — After recent Congressional ... filled the square on 16th Street NW between H and K streets when George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis.
Robert Samuels is a national enterprise reporter for The Washington Post who focuses on politics, policy and the changing American identity. He is also the co-author of "His Name is George Floyd ...