Increases for minimum pensions and disabled people, end of Irpef adjustments, return of regional and municipal Irpef ...
Faculty of Medicine, goodbye to entrance tests. The reform is law. What changes? Access to the degree course becomes "free" for the first semester. Here's what is needed to access the following years ...
For the Head of Investment Specialists Italia at Pictet Wealth Management, this year diversification and active portfolio management will be the key to taking advantage of a volatile market, but one ...
The Chinese company launches ultra-fast charging: with the 1.000 kW Super e-Platform, just 5 minutes are enough for 400 km of autonomy. An open challenge to Tesla and Mercedes in the EV sector.
The week begins cautiously for European stock markets, attentive to geopolitical and macroeconomic developments. In Italy, focus on February inflation and the decisions of the Central Banks.
According to the Budget Law, the new terminals will communicate in real time with the Revenue Agency and will integrate with the cash registers, simplifying the procedures. The merchants will have to ...
Workers will be able to waive the crediting of contributions, receiving the tax-free sums in their paychecks. Here are the instructions from INPS ...
La 15esima edizione della Guida Oli d’Italia del Gambero Rosso ha recensito 828 oli di 437 aziende. Considerate cinque fasce di prezzo (dai 10 agli oltre 30 euro per litro). Il rating descrive gli oli ...
尽管特朗普与泽连斯基在白宫的屈辱会晤令人震惊,但欧洲和乌克兰仍然面临着如何与美国重建强制关系的困境,而一项特别复杂的任务落在了乔尔吉娅·梅洛尼的身上。 La 统一礼仪 特朗普与外国对话者会晤的一大特点是,会晤首先在椭圆形办公室举行,对话者和几位亲密朋友会在一些精选记者的见证下参加。目的是交换寒暄,逗乐对方特朗普的自负 并为在保密环境下进行的严肃讨论做好准备。最后, 联合新闻发布会。谁有耐心看完整个 ...
亚马逊终于发布了其语音助手 Alexa 的更新版本,该版本由生成式人工智能提供支持。更加直观、个性化并与智能家居相结合,它保证了流畅、自然的互动。与此同时,Elon Muk 的 Grok3 将于今日在意大利上市 Amazon经过一番拖延,终于 Alexa+ 发布的, 新一代语音助手 由人工智能驱动。这一更新代表了数字助理的演变,结合了先进的人工智能功能、服务和设备,带来更加无缝、直观的体验。这种整 ...
Chancellor-in-waiting Friedrich Merz called it "Germany's whatever it takes". Berlin intends one of its most well-known constitutional norms to be able to invest in military spending and ...