BioMérieux obtained 510 (k) clearance last year for its Vitek Reveal ID/AST system as part of its current five-year growth plan.
Quest said it aims through the collaboration to streamline data management, improve data analytics, and personalize the experiences of its patients.
Labor Dr. Wisplinghoff will offer GTC's next-generation sequencing-based tests for solid tumor and hematologic neoplasms.
The investment bank said Bio-Techne is a premium growth asset with a strong core business and growth verticals.
Last week, readers were most interested in a story about how blood-based testing is making increasing inroads for neurological conditions.
The firm said that a strong start to the commercialization of its Liaison Plex platform also aided growth in its molecular diagnostics business.
Such tests are increasingly moving beyond their origins in cutting-edge research and into the laboratory and diagnostic ...
A study published in November in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology that Emerson co-authored validated the analyzer against the Sysmex XN Automated Hematology System and found that CytoChip's ...
The firm's CT/NG Positive Run Control and STI Negative Run Control will be the first products CE-marked under IVDR.
According to the government, these providers submitted false claims to MassHealth for urine drug tests and home health services.
The abolishment of the agency is aimed at reducing bureaucracy and the duplication of services provided by the UK Department of Health and Social Care.
The firm's Italian distributor A.D.A. is beginning a four-hospital study in collaboration with the Italian Society for Clinical Microbiology to evaluate the system.